  • Who is the variant E-shop for
  • Who is the variant E-shop for

    E-shop service is available to all who wish to sell any goods on the Internet. Main groups are small, medium and start-up businesses with the minimum budget for conducting its own e-shop. Own e-shop easily create and manage their own without the knowledge of web design or programming.

    Try it free!
  • How does it work

    Creating an e-shop you can try for 15 days absolutely free. For the creation of e-shop you do not pay any other fee or Acquisition. You pay only for the period that you choose in advance and pay through subscription (rental). To use our services, you are never bound and operate their e-shop as you can without giving a reason at any time. More about system WEXBO
  • How does it work
  • E-shop on your own domain
  • E-shop on your own domain

    E-commerce will of course run on your own domain of their own choice. You can also use the domain that you have already registered with another registrar or you are registering a new domain we are. More about own domain and price list domains
  • Cart and order management

    Intuitive Shopping Cart customers facilitating the purchase by selecting the delivery point, automatically redirected to the payment gateway, attached annex or notes, but can customers for their loyalty and reward example, typing discounts, loyalty points or using the benefits of bulk orders. The process of creating orders can watch directly on e-shop and of each step are notified by email. There are all the necessary documents: orders, proform invoices, invoices, credit notes. More about remuneration customers
  • Cart and order management
  • Payment for the purchase and transport to customer
  • Payment for the purchase and transport to customer

    The system can allow their customers to pay for goods via their bank or credit card service that speeds up the whole process of delivery of goods ordered. A customer can also track the current location of the ordered and package it in different transport services. You can also allow customers to pick up goods at the point of delivery in its vicinity at an unbeatable price of postage. More about payment gateway and transport services
  • E-shop in different languages and currencies

    Offering their products to different countries around the world? E-commerce can be translated into any language and then use different languages for all items pages. Possibly offer products in various world currencies with automatic conversion according to the current exchange rate of the currency. More about language and currency
  • E-shop in different languages and currencies
  • Categorizing and filtering products
  • Categorizing and filtering products

    Clarity e-shop ensure categorized by product specification for each category, sub-category or product can be set different margin. To facilitate the purchase, the customer has the option to filter products in the following categories according to specific parameters, units, prices or product availability, for example. There is of course an intuitive search across e-shop. More about filters and product structure
  • Managing customers and employees

    The system records all relevant data about customers, including their profile and history of their orders, invoices, and complaints along with the database logon to our newsletter (newsletter) with the possibility of immediately inform the entire community. The users can be assigned to different groups (customer, dealer, VIP, ...), as well as their powers, whether the e-shop as a customer or in the administration of the employees (dealers, designers, editors, ...). More about sending news and users powers
  • Managing customers and employees
  • Bulk import and export items
  • Bulk import and export items

    If you are migrating your e-shop from another system or establish a new project to speed up the process, the entries into the bulk import and export. Products e-shop can be exported to a known comparator products Google Merchant. More about import/export or comparative products
  • Detailed and clear statistics

    The statistics you have an overview of what is on your site going on. There are reports on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly traffic, search terms, most read or change history. So you can see what visitors are interested in and what parts of pages visited most often. More about external statistics
  • Detailed and clear statistics
  • Help and support is available
  • Help and support is available

    For extensive administration and of functionality we have created help for each section and item on the system. With help, explanations and instructions can manage CMS WEXBO really any Internet user. In addition, questions can also contact our support, which is available every working day 9:00 to 17:00. More at help or contact us
  • Plus all the possibilities of variant Web

    Variant e-shop contains all the options and functionality, as described in the variant Web. Such as modifying menu items, articles, responsive design site links with social networks, SEO setting items hosting as part of subscription services and much more.

    functional variant web
  • Plus all the possibilities of variant Web
  • Next variant E-shop Premium
  • Next variant E-shop Premium

    For demanding, it is possible to use variant of E-shop Premium, which has higher limits for products, emails, files, payment systems, transportation services, languages, currencies, or invoices. Premium also includes additional features such as automatic updating XML feeds, price levels or accounting systems.

    functional variant E-shop premium
  • Addition of discount

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Každému zákazníkovi prípadne skupine užívateľov je možné priradiť určitú zľavu, ktorú si môže počas...

  • Creation and administration of categories

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Text of category

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Kategórii možno priradiť jej vlastný text, ktorý sa bude zobrazovať po jej rozkliknutí nad alebo...

  • Picture of category

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Kategórii možno priradiť vlastný obrázok (ikonku), ktorý sa bude zobrazovať v zozname kategórií v...

  • Margin for category

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Pre konkrétne kategórie produktov je možné nastaviť konkrétnu maržu.

  • Setting of powers

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Ak má Váš eshop viacero administrátorov, možno im udeliť rôzne povolenia, budú tak môcť spravovať...

  • Informative number of products in categories

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém podporuje možnosť zobrazenia aktuálneho počtu produktov v zozname kategórií na eshope.

  • Categorization by comparators of products

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém podporuje kategorizovanie podľa najznámejších cenových porovnávačov produktov.

  • Filter price from-to

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Stock records and availability

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Po aktivovaní tejto funkcie bude vedená skladová evidencia Vašich produktov.

  • Variants and subvariants

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém ponúka vytváranie rôznych variantov a subvariantov produktov.

  • Parameters of products

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Discounts and margins on product

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    V systéme je samozrejme možné nastaviť rôzne marže, zľavy, akcie alebo iné benefity a to na úrovni...

  • Classification in more categories

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Produkty možno prehľadne roztriediť do kategórií, pričom jeden produkt sa môže nachádzať súčasne vo...

  • Related and similar products

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém umožňuje priradiť k produktom súvisiace a podobné produkty.

  • Labelling products - sale, special offer etc.

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Setting of 'normal' price

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Short and extended description

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    K produktu možno pridať dva popisy, krátky (čistý text) a rozšírený, spolu s použitým formátovaním...

  • More images to products

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    K jednotlivým produktom možno pridať hneď niekoľko obrázkov.

  • Attachments to product

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    K produktom možno pridať viacero príloh na stiahnutie, napr.

  • Product codes

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém umožňuje zadať rôzne kódy produktov, napr.

  • Weight

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Pri produktoch možno určiť ich hmotnosť, od ktorej sa môže odvíjať aj spôsob a cena dopravy.

  • Warranty

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém umožňuje nastaviť aj záruku pri jednotlivých produktoch rôzne.

  • Manufacturer

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Supplier

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Setting of units of measurement

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    V systéme je prednastavených 42 merných jednotiek, pričom vytvárať môžete aj svoje vlastné.

  • Setting of the limits of the order quantity

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Obmedziť môžete minimálne a maximálne množstvo kusov alebo jednotiek tovaru, ktoré môže byť...

  • Setting of powers

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém podporuje aj nastavenie rôznych právomocí.

  • Copying of products

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Kopírovanie produktov umožní vytvoriť kópiu konkrétneho produktu, čo je výhodné, najmä ak...

  • Bulk editing of the products

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém umožňuje výber viacerých produktov naraz a hromadnú zmenu ich parametrov, ich aktiváciu,...

  • Bulk import and export

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Hromadný import zo súboru umožňuje nahratie väčšieho množstva produktov naraz.

  • Setting of display of items

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém podporuje rôzne spôsoby zobrazenia produktov na stránke - napr.

  • Comparison of products

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém podporuje porovnanie viacerých produktov.

  • Addition to favorites

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Produkt môže Váš zákazník pridať k obľúbeným.

  • Print

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Zobrazovaný produkt možno jednoducho vytlačiť alebo ho uložiť vo formáte PDF.

  • Question about product

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém poskytuje zákazníkovi možnosť položiť predajcovi otázku k produktu, pričom možno využiť...

  • Price history

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Ak občas meníte ceny produktov, táto funkcia umožní tieto zmeny sledovať, čoho výsledkom je graf,...

  • Product rating

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Ako na najznámejších eshopoch, aj u Vás budú môcť produkt Vaši zákazníci hodnotiť na stupnici, akú...

  • Watchdog

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Táto funkcia umožňuje sledovať ceny produktov a upozorniť zákazníka na zmenu ceny, ak klesne pod...

  • Comments to product

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Transport cost from

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Filtering in products

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Produkty si môže zákazník zoradiť podľa rôznych kritérií, napr.

  • Search in products

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Vo Vašom eshope môžu zákazníci jednoducho a rýchlo určitý produkt vyhľadať.

  • Beginning and end of sale

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Povolené objednanie - možnosť nastavenia rozsahu obdobia (dátumov), kedy bude možné produkt...

  • Information window after adding the product to cart

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Zákazníka môže eshop informovať o vložení produktu do košíka rôznymi spôsobmi.

  • Purchase without registration

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Setting of minimum price for ordering

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Loyalty points

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Discount coupons

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Quantity and volume discounts

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Setting of limits and powers

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Ide o nastavenie spôsobu dopravy a jej ceny spolu s priradením spôsobov platieb.

  • Setting of surcharges for delivery and payment

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Určité typy dopravy a platieb si vyžadujú špeciálny príplatok.

  • Icons for delivery and payment methods

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    V košíku možno zobraziť ikonky pre spôsoby dopravy a platby.

  • Additional form

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Do objednávacieho procesu v košíku je možné vložiť formulár, ktorý bude potrebné/voliteľné vyplniť...

  • Inserting of attachment

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    V košíku pri objednávaní produktu môže užívateľ priložiť k objednávke súbor - prílohu.

  • User's note

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    V košíku môže užívateľ zadať ku svojej objednávke poznámku (napr.

  • Agreement to terms and conditions

    Shopping cart
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém podporuje funkciu súhlasu s obchodnými podmienkami v košíku pri uzatváraní objednávky.

  • Order management

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    V prehľade objednávok je možné vidieť základné informácie, ako napr.

  • Order statuses and labels

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Objednávkam môžete nastaviť ich 'stavy', ktoré budú farebne odlíšené.

  • Payments of the orders

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém umožňuje evidovať úhrady objednávok.

  • Automatic sending of the email about the order change

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Systém podporuje automatické odosielanie emailov po vytvorení objednávky a zmeny jej stavu.

  • Tracking number of the shipment

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Issue of invoices

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Faktúry už nemusíte vytvárať podľa určitej šablóny vo Worde alebo v Exceli.

  • Custom setting of the number series of the invoices

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Čísla faktúr môže systém generovať automaticky (ďalšie číslo faktúry od prvého zadaného čísla v...

  • Administration of claims

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Possibility to cancel the orders by user

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Selected products

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Last visited

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Availability of goods

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Encourage for cart

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Nákupný košík

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Kategórie

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Heureka

    E-shopE-shop Premium

    Heureka je jeden z najznámejších porovnávačov produktov na Slovensku a v Čechách.

  • Electronic records of sales (EET)

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Sharing of product

    Social networks
    E-shopE-shop Premium

    V prípade, že by sa chcel Váš zákazník o informácie o produkte podeliť so známymi, môže tak urobiť...

  • Statistics of orders

    E-shopE-shop Premium
  • Statistics of product

    E-shopE-shop Premium
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